Who We Are

PPMI is a collaboration of researchers, funders, and study participants working toward the goal of identifying progression biomarkers to improve PD therapeutics.


Thank you for your interest in the study that could change everything! Whether you’re just meeting PPMI or have been in the study for a decade, we’re glad you’re here. Participants are critical partners in progress.

The Michael J. Fox Foundation launched PPMI in 2010 to better understand Parkinson's onset and progression to speed the development of new treatments. Since then, PPMI has changed what scientists know about brain disease and how they are trying to stop it.

PPMI is an observational study. That means participants do not take any experimental drug or treatment. Volunteers contribute information on health and disease over time.

Nearly 1,500 participants have joined PPMI. Now the study is leveraging technology to gather more data and welcome tens of thousands into the study through its online platform.

Anyone over age 18 in the United States can join PPMI to provide data online. Visit https://myppmi.org/ to get started.

Many clinic sites around the globe are recruiting for PPMI too. See recruiting sites at www.michaeljfox.org/ppmi-recruiting-sites

Want to learn more about PPMI or see the latest findings? Find information on the study and its impact at michaeljfox.org/ppmi.

Relevant FAQs

Study participants complete motor assessments, DaTSCAN, and MRI imaging, serum, plasma and urine collection, CSF collection, olfaction testing, DNA testing and neuropsychiatric/cognitive testing. All test data and specimens collected as part of this protocol will be submitted to the central study repositories, de-identified and made available through this site. Learn More About Accessing Data and Specimens.

Investigators from academic institutions and industry organizations will be allowed to access the repository. Investigators are required to submit basic information about themselves for basic administrative review to ensure legitimacy. They also must complete a Data Use Agreement that requires data privacy protection, among other actions. Upon approval, investigators will be given immediate access. Apply for Access to PPMI Data Request or PPMI Specimens.

Anyone over age 18 in the United States can join PPMI through its online platform. Some sites outside the U.S. are also recruiting volunteers to participate in-person. Learn more and sign up for the study at www.michaeljfox.org/ppmi.

Participants who are invited to participate in the in-person part of PPMI will be asked to make four study visits in their first year, with visits twice a year thereafter. Each visit will include different tests, assessments and biologics sampling, including motor, neuropsychiatric and cognitive assessments; DatSCAN and MRI imaging; and, blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), urine and DNA sampling. View the Full Schedule of Activities for Enrolled Patients.

Some people will participate in PPMI through its online platform. Others may be asked to complete some screening tests through the mail. And some volunteers do enroll in-person at a PPMI site. Because the study uses a standardized protocol, only certain medical centers can gather data and samples for PPMI.